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Found 1269 results for any of the keywords more humane. Time 0.008 seconds.
Protecting Farm Animals from Abuse and Suffering | ASPCAAll animals deserve to live cruelty-free. Together we can create a more humane world for farm animals, advocate for stronger laws, and fight factory farms.
2023: A Year of Progress for Farm Animals | ASPCA2023 was a monumental year for farm animals and creating a kinder, more sustainable food system. Join us in celebrating progress for farm animals!
The Vanderpump Dog FoundationThe Vanderpump Dog Foundation’s mission to create a more humane world for dogs extends across the globe. In addition to our rescue sanctuary in China, we also partner with rescues in several different countries to help p
Calendar For Life - Faith Family Freedom Life for a more Humane SocietPresenting human life in new ways Promoting Pro-Life Events and Activities Defeating the Culture of Death with People Passionate about Life
ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance | Asheville | Low-cost S/N ClinicThe ASPCA offers low-cost spay/neuter services in Asheville, North Carolina. Book your appointment online. Free transport service available!
ASPCA | American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLearn more about the ASPCA s work to rescue animals from abuse, pass humane laws and share resources with shelters nationwide. Join our fight today!
Advocacy Center l Ways to Advocate l Get Involved l ASPCAStay informed and get involved! Help the ASPCA work with local, federal and state legislators to enact meaningful protections for animals nationwide.
Advocacy Center l Ways to Advocate l Get Involved l ASPCAStay informed and get involved! Help the ASPCA work with local, federal and state legislators to enact meaningful protections for animals nationwide.
ASPCA Grants | ASPCAThe ASPCA is the nation’s second-largest animal-welfare grant maker, supporting a wide range of activities that further our mission.
The Best Buddy a Family Could Ask For | ASPCABuddy, a two-year-old German Shepherd, was treated for heartworm disease by the ASPCA before finding a new place to call home. Read more about his journey!
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